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Video poems

S'il naît poème

If it is born a poem, is the shortest video poem (46") by Florence Pazzottu





produced by Alt(r)a Voce in 2013, a manifesto-poem, where to write, say, film, drive, ride, are a single gesture improvisation thought, and where the author says that "There is no program-poem".

It was shot in the Ubaye valley - FRANCE.

Image, text, film editing: Florence Pazzottu.

Voice recorded at the Flopibo studio - Marseille.


It was part of the exhibition Open poème en sept courts which Florence Pazzottu presented at the invitation of Grains de lumière, at the La Traverse gallery, in Marseille, from March 14 to april 12, 2014. If it was born poem was a link between two rooms in the gallery, it was shown on two (synchronous) monitors rotating in a loop and fitted with headphones. .

The text is taken from So, published by Flammarion in the poetry collection in November 2011.

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