Short flims
The triangle deserves its top
The triangle deserves its summit offers a cut (poetic and precise) in the sinister construction of those who, tirelessly, acting by "sensure *", by saturation and purification of meaning, recycle their "elements of language" and assert that "c ' is the number (to the people) to pay for the policy of the number ".
* concept forged by the writer Bernard Noël.
Text, image, film editing: Florence Pazzottu. Mixing Florent Fournier-Sicre, studio Flopibo. Alt(r)a Voce received for this film, a broadcast grant from General Council 13 in 2014.
The text was read for the first time in Ivry during a European meeting of the Biennale des Poètes-en-Val-de-Marne where Greece was in the spotlight in autumn 2012.
This film has been selected at the Cinémaginaire festival 2015 and at the Un point c'est court et ciné-poème 2016 festival.