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1st event in december 2017

​This exceptional Poetic Cries evening was part of a cycle of meetings with the philosopher organized from November 24 to December 2, 2017 under the title "What does changing the world mean?", A cycle which took place in Marseille, Aubagne, Martigues, Port-de-Bouc, and Aix-en-Provence

Meetings at the initiative of some associations and cultural places: Alt (r) a Voce, Image de Ville, the MJC of Martigues, the media library and the cinema Méliès of Port-de-Bouc, the Popular University of Aubagne and that of the country of Aix, and Vélo Théâtre d'Apt.

The themes were very varied, but an important place was given to the arts, in particular to the theater, to the cinema, and to poetry.

The "Poetic Cries", founded in 2005 by Jean de Breyne, take place twice a year at the Vélo Théâtre d'Apt. It is the first time that the guest was not a poet but a philosopher, also a novelist and playwright, passionate about poetry.


Evening presented by Jean de Breyne and Florence Pazzottu.


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